Best Wishes to Julia Griffin!!

We want to express our best wishes and thanks to Julia for her service as Hanover Town Manager for all the years that we have been in business here in Hanover!!

I still remember sitting in her office almost 15 years ago asking about Hanover as a viable place to open a business.  She was terrific and acted like she had all the time in the world to speak with me when I knew in reality she was a very busy person.

We would also  like to thank her for all her patronage of our cafe over the years! !

So best wishes, good luck and have lots of fun in your next adventure!

We will miss you as Town Manager!!

Charles and Carolyn


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We’ll be closed Monday and Tuesday (6/13 – 6/14)

We will be closed Monday and Tuesday (6/13 – 6/14) so we can work on a catering gig for the Dartmouth Class of 1970’s 50th reunion.

Covid has prevented the class from gathering for the past 2 years so we are pleased and honored that we can provide their breakfast for the time they are back in Hanover this year!

Welcome Back and Best Wishes Dartmouth Class of 1970!!

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Congratulations to the Dartmouth Class of 2022!!

Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Dartmouth Graduating Class of 2022!!

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