The Cases are Full!

If you haven’t special ordered something from us for tomorrow all is not lost!   The cases are full of desserts, pastries and Holiday cookies for last minute choices!

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Day 15: The Pistachio Pinwheel

This is a new cookie to the roster.  I always wanted to include pistachios in a cookie flavor so here we are!

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Day 14: The Peanut Butter Blossom

Remember the commercial that was selling a candy bar where two people collided – one

eating chocolate and one eating peanut butter?  Their respective foods mix in the process much to their annoyance.  Accusations start flying. But then they try this new concoction and all is right with the world.   Today’s cookie saves you trouble of finding someone to run into.   The peanut butter blossom is the perennial favorite on every cookie tray.

Hershey’s offers their recipe on how to make them:

STEP 1: Bake the delicious peanut butter cookie

STEP 2: Press Kisses Milk Chocolate into the cookie

STEP 3: Enjoy the yummy goodness and share with others!

You can bypass steps 1 and 2 if you come by our Bakery and pick some up but be sure to do step 3!


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