First David Bowie and now Alan Rickman.

imagesFor all of you who have faithfully followed these website posts you know that we, from time to time, have named sandwich specials to honor people who have passed away that have touched our hearts and minds.  I didn’t mention David Bowie (although I wish I did) but I can’t let the passing of Alan Rickman go unsung.  I can direct you to the Grey Lady’s posting of the obit but I’m sure you’ll find it.   I have always enjoyed him on the silver screen as the cultured bad guy.  Wasn’t there an article somewhere published saying that bad guys are much better with a British accent?   Anyway, Alan Rickman was always a favorite of mine.  (all you Harry Potter fans out there – wouldn’t you say that he had arguably the most complex, difficult roll to play in the whole epic story?)  And in Die Hard everyone was a supporting actor to him in my opinion.   The sandwich special tomorrow that we will be running will probably have to be eaten with a spoon.  That movie should have been called The Chronicles of the Sheriff of Nottingham instead of Robin Hood because it was Alan who shined (with a nod to Morgan as well of course but he’s still alive) and everyone else was just there to support him!

Alan Rickman,  Godspeed and thank you.

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